The Passing Web is the somewhat cryptic topic presented by Jon Royce 🇬🇧 from Fieldhockey skills.
Jon Royce
Jonathan Royce is an experienced coach and trainer from England. Originally a PE / sports science teacher Royce has a rich experience coaching at the highest level in the English premier league with Teddington & Surbiton. At international level he used to coach the English U21 men, the Scotttish and English men’s teams and GB women. Today he runs Fieldhockeyskills.co.uk .
The passing web
Any one player spends only a fraction of the game in possession, what are they doing the rest of the time? When a team is in possession every player should be engaged somewhere within the Passing Web, collecting information, processing it and creating plans of action. The faultless execution of technique brings ideas to fruition. As the standard of play develops, players become faster, effectively narrowing the passing lanes so the need to develop good scanning habits is crucial to ongoing progress. Interested to learn more? Join our masterclass with Jon Royce…
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