launched in December 2017 with a first ever virtual Coach Conference for hockey. Not unlike a traditional conference with keynotes and workshops. What set us apart is we did/do this 100% online. So coaches from all over the world were able to attend without travel. No expensive airplane tickets, no hotel costs, no days wasted on travelling back & forth. Valuable insights from coaches from other cultures and from those with extensive, often international, experience.
Today we’re living the unseen COVID-19-crisis with lockdowns and “stay at home” restrictions all over the world. And meanwhile many have followed in our footsteps in sharing hockey knowledge online, each in their own way. We love it! Because we are all about #sharetheknowledge !

But we’re still proud to be the first there was and… still have an unparalleled panel of experts on our platform. We opened our first Coach Conference back in 2017 with a true legend among coaches, Ric Charlesworth. For our Coach Conference in 2020, in association with, we matched this with an opening keynote by Teun de Nooijer, legendary player with a track record in modern day hockey like no other.
Following the keynote by Teun de Nooijer we hosted 5 successive presentations by top experts from all over the world sharing their knowledge with you and answering your questions in the Q&A following each presentation. June 26 was a day of learning & sharing knowledge like never before 🙂
- 🇦🇺 Todd Williams, former Australian international player coaching in the UK these days
- 🇩🇪 Valentin Altenburg, bronze medal winner in Rio 2016 coaching Germany and key figure in coach development in Germany
- 🇦🇷 Javi Telechea, founder of we all know from the best educational video clips out there on social media
- 🇪🇸 Xavi Haro, physical coach for RC Polo de Barcelona and Spain
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Coen van Bunge, one of the best international umpires these days>> Replaced by Keely Dunn 🇨🇦 from
Well…. we had fun and learned! We hope you did too 😉
For our Coach Club members we will post the videos to watch on demand in the days to come. Watch this space 👀
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