Mental Coaching #101

Introduction to Mental Coaching for hockey coaches in 5 “hands on” modules. Update your own actions & reflection document after each module. Video content from your instructor Iain Shippey & several top coaches and former international players. Lots of notes to go more in depth into the topic. And access to regular Q&A sessions with the instructor as well as the option to book a one-on-one with him.

 199,00 incl VAT


Introduction to Mental Coaching for hockey coaches in 5 “hands on” modules. Update your own actions & reflection document after each module. Video content from your instructor Iain Shippey & several top coaches and former international players. Lots of notes to go more in depth into the topic. And access to regular Q&A sessions with the instructor as well as the option to book a one-on-one with him.

We host this particular course at a partner platform: You will get a link for starting at with the confirmation of your order following your payment. Because of this you will not see yourself as enrolled, nor your progress here. You can track those on the platform after registering there.