Tokyo Daily was a series of live daily coach chats about the Tokyo hockey tournament. Every day during the hockey event at the Tokyo Games we were live with hockey coaches talking with coaches about the games played earlier that day and the games coming up tomorrow.
Tokyo Daily : live coach webinars every day during the Tokyo Games
Why : because we’re all about #shareteknowledge 🙂
How & When : online every day between July 24 and August 6, 2021 at 08:00h PDT in Vancouver 🇨🇦 or LA 🇺🇸 – 11:00h EDT in the east of the US 🇺🇸 – 12:00h In Buenos Aires 🇦🇷 – 16:00h in the UK 🇬🇧 – 17:00h CEST in Europe 🇪🇺 and most of Africa – 20:30h in India 🇮🇳 – 23:00h in Perth, Australia 🇦🇺 and midnight in Tokyo 🇯🇵.
Where : in the online conference venue of The Hockey Site so you can meet up with fellow coaches in our virtual lounge before & after attending the live sessions.
Who: for all hockey coaches who want to talk 🏑 hockey with other coaches.
What: our virtual lounge was open 24/7 for you to meet up with other coaches. Find a spot a table and meet with old and new friends from around the world, sharing this passion for hockey coaching.
Visit our scheduling board to see what session goes live when. From there you can enter the room for the live session that just started. Or add the next sessions you would like to attend to your own schedule or directly into your own calendar.
From the “My Schedule” page you can also plan your private meet ups with other coaches/attendees at this event. So you could host your own private MasterMind groups from here or just a casual chat with some friends from around the world. So be sure to come early before the next live session or stay on afterwards to connect with other coaches in the lounge and have a chat about the Tokyo hockey games.
Tokyo Daily clips:

Day 1: July 24
Tokyo Daily Day #1

Day 2: July 25
Tokyo Daily

Day 3: July 26
Tokyo Daily

Day 4: July 27
Tokyo Daily

Day 5: July 28
Tokyo Daily

Day 6: July 29
Tokyo Daily

Day 7: July 30
Tokyo Daily

Day 8: July 31
Tokyo Daily

Day 9: Aug 1
Tokyo Daily

Day 10: Aug 2
Tokyo Daily

Day 11: Aug 3
Tokyo Daily

Day 12: Aug 4
Tokyo Daily

Day 13: Aug 5
Tokyo Daily

Day 14: Aug 6
Tokyo Daily
If you’re not seeing any video below this point it means you either forgot to log in or you do not have the viewing rights for this members only content.