Some of the frequently asked questions regarding XPS and The Hockey Site…

Can’t remember your password? Can’t find the original email we sent you with your login credentials anymore? Don’t worry, the solution is simple…

Click here and have us sent a reset link to your email address to set yourself a new password.

Next login here or even better download the app for your laptop and/or phone from this link and login with your new password…

Login here or even better download the app for your laptop and/or phone from this link and login using the app.

When your subscription expired you will get a popup message telling you you need to buy a new subscription to login. Click the OK button in it and pick XPS Trainer for your license to buy a subscription for another year.

See the video below for example…




When you get a subscription for XPS, your access to The Hockey Site is included. Don’t see our on demand videos in XPS immediately? Check out the video on where to find us by clicking here. If that does not work for you, in XPS go to user management > coaches and click the invite button. Find our account for The Hockey Site and invite us. Once we accept your invite you should see all of our content. If that does not work for you e-mail me

If you have not experienced The Hockey Site and XPS before you can always request a free trial first. Get it here

Of course ! Just ask for an upgrade to a team license including 3 coach licenses and 20 player licensens or even better get the best eal possible to include multiple teams from your club or academy. Just ask me about this…

For you to get the most out of XPS you’ll need the app downloaded on your laptop.

If you’re only using XPS to view things shared with you, you can make do with either the app for your mobile or logging in from your browser…

If you have downloaded the app from XPS to your laptop or phone, open the app there and you will see the login screen.

If you do not want to download the app you can login from your internet browser here: 


Open XPS and login. Next go to the collections from your menu and choose the documents collection. Make sure on top of your screen you have selected the account for The Hockey Site instead of your own.

Or click here to learn more: and see the first video on that page.

XPS in 30 seconds ↓