Running with the ball - by Andrew Wilson

Running with the ball – by Andrew Wilson

Andrew Wilson, though originally from the UK, has been involved with Spanish top club Egara for many years now and is assistant coach to the Spanish national women’s team. If you’re anything like most of us you must have shouted at one time or another “Hockey is a passing game” to your players. But as Nacho Bergner told us earlier in his coach chat about “Encouraging decision makers” there is a lot of merit in running with the ball as well. Andrew Wilson will talk to us about his views on running with the ball and how to train your players to do this the right way. One of these basic skills that could do with some more attention.

So by now you’re too late. We were live earlier on Friday 2020-11-06! 

Watch the replay video here… ⬇︎ It’s free if you confirmed your seat before we went live (you’ll get 3 days to r(e)watch the replay video). Members, as usual, will have on demand access afterwards to the entire video for free for ever.

For those of you who are not a paid member we’ll recreate this into a mini-course (available for a small fee) which should be up ASAPs as well. Coming soon…

All of our on demand content for members only has been moved to our XPS app: