Former Australian international Todd Williams will talk to us about his ideas to help win the relegation battle. A difficult topic, but one lots of coaches and teams at one time or another will have to deal with.

So by now you’ve missed the live session on relegation that took place at Friday 2021-01-29 at 11:30h UK time, which would be 22:30h in Sydney & Melbourne, 19h30 in Perth, 17:00h in India, 13:30h in most of Africa, 12:30h in Europe, 08:30h in Buenos Aires or… Saturday the 30th at 00:30h in Auckland. As usual if you join us live it’s free, if you want to watch it on demand you need to be a member.
We opened our doors 30 minutes before the live session, so you can join us early. Hope you had a nice talk with old and new friends in our lounge, as if they are sitting across the table from you 😉
This video will be available on demand for all until the Monday after the live session. Members will of course have on demand access to the replay video whenever they want for ever ⬇︎ and don’t forget to #sharetheknowledge